The theme for the 2012 LEAD Summit “Sustaining, Replicating, and Bringing Up-to-Scale those Programs that Work for Latino Youth” was of particular importance because the Latino population was large, growing, and relatively young, but had lower educational achievement than other groups in the nation. Addressing the educational needs of the fastest-growing community in the United States, the Latino community, is therefore vital to our local, regional, state, and national interests.
Given this importance, it is imperative to continue the work of identifying and cataloguing those programs across the U.S. that show evidence of increasing the access, opportunity, and achievement gaps for Latino students. Some programs were shaped specifically to serve young Latinos, while others serve the broader populations or focus on raising student achievement in general but have shown strong benefits for Latino young people.
Because we know many of the programs making a difference in our community concentrate their limited funds on direct service provision rather than evaluation or marketing, our defining role for the future, as leaders and influencers, is to sustain, replicate, and bring up-to-scale those actionable practices most promising, and unveil a roadmap that is hopeful, solution-oriented and forward-thinking.
This session highlights a few such programs currently making a positive difference in the lives and educational development from early childhood through higher education. Participants will offer descriptions and practical information shown to be effective.
- Sonya V. Scott, Special Education Teacher for Etiwanda School District, and Doctoral Candidate, Educational Leadership Program, CSUSB
- Frank Garcia, Jr., Executive Director, Puente Project
- Ernie Rios, Program Director, Pathways for Success
- David Rogers, Executive Director, Dual Language Education of New Mexico
- Elena Carrasco, LEAD Projects Regional Coordinator for Cash for College Inland Empire
- Aja Nadine Henriquez, Writing Instructor at Cal Baptist, and Doctoral Candidate, Educational Leadership Program, CSUSB
Red Carpet Hosts:
- Maribel Aragon and Aaron Sanchez
CSUSB - Latino Education and Advocacy Days (LEAD), "Forum: “Sustaining, Replicating, and Bringing Upto-Scale those Programs that Work for Latino Youth”" (2012). Latino Education and Advocacy Days (LEAD) Video Recordings. 42.
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